Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Parker Stuart Mitzel

Steve and I went for our routine 4-month check up and our quad screen blood work. Our doctor so graciously offerred us the option of getting a sneak peek of the gender of our baby. Our anatomy sonogram is scheduled for Oct 16th which is only two weeks away, but we could not fight the urge to find out early. We couldn't have made a better choice. Yesterday was one of the most amazing days of my life. Not only does it solidify that we are really going to have a baby, but now the baby has an identity. Now I don't feel quite so strange talking to my belly. Instead I can talk to and address Parker! There has been much deliberation over choosing just the right name. Parker and Anderson have been two boys names that we have loved from the beginning and Stuart is my dad's name and was always going to be the middle name if the baby was a boy. Last night Steve and I decided that Parker just fits. We couldn't be more exited and thankful of our beautiful baby boy.

I have attached some 4D pictures below. For those of you that aren't familiar they can be a little startling. They show a great deal of detail but the fluid surrounding the baby will often distort the image. The skin is still very transparent so you can see a lot of his bones, too. The shadows on his head are where his head is touching my uterus, he doesn't really have a hole in his head:)

Here is Parker rubbing his eye with his little legs crossed.....So cute!

Here he is waving to his mommy and daddy for the first time:)

Here he is touching his toes!

Finally, Parker sucking his thumb just like his mommy did as a kid. Lets hope this bad habit doesn't stick!

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