Steve and I have a Mourning Dove that has made itself at home in the flower planters outside our bedroom doors. We realized after a period of time that "our" bird had laid two eggs. For the last month or so, we have anxiously checked on her every morning to see if the babies had arrived. About a week ago I peeked outside our curtains and saw that she was feeding a new little baby chick! The other egg hadn't hatched yet so the chick must have been freshly born. When Steve and I checked on her the next morning she had another new addition! We think the whole situation is pretty special given that our little "chick" is about to hatch, too. So meet the newest members of the Mitzel clan……
Monday, February 18, 2008
Work Showers
My coworkers at PAR threw me a lovely shower complete with amazingly delicious food, wonderful company, and a cookie cake!!!! Cookie cakes are my favorite so I was super excited to have one at the shower. I was overwhelmed by the effort everyone put into the shower and all the wonderful gifts everyone graciously gave to Steve, Parker, and I. We are very lucky to work with such caring and thoughtful people!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
5.13 oz

Monday, February 11, 2008
False Alarm
Steve and I had a little scare Friday morning, which led us to the doctors in a hurry. I had some really intense contractions that were not like any I had experienced before. When I called the ob nurse she suggested I come to the office right away. When we arrived, they did a non stress test. This entailed being hooked up to two monitors which read Parker’s heart rate and my uterine activity. Turns out that I was having pretty regular contractions about every 2 minutes (the ones I experienced at the doctor’s office were nothing like those I had felt earlier in the day). The stress test was followed by an exam due to the regularity of the contractions. From the exam, the doctor concluded that I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced, which is more progressed than what is expected at 36 weeks, but did not mean I was going into labor! Hooray! I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my chest. We hadn’t had our prepared childbirth class, finished Parker's room, or fully packed for the hospital. Needless to say, this was a great wake-up call that we needed to get everything ready in case things happened early. Steve was great and kept me calm through the whole experience. We will have even more information on Tues when I have my scheduled visit and sonogram. Stay tuned.....
Monday, February 4, 2008
Thank Heavens for Great Friends
Some of my friends threw Steve and I an amazing baby shower this past Saturday. It was a wonderful and beautiful party! Not only did we get to catch up with many friends whom we haven't seen in a while, but we also got to spend time with some of their kids. It is at times like this that you realize just how lucky you are to have your friends. Steve and I are truly blessed and Parker is going to be one loved dude! Our friends showered us with some amazingly cute and practical gifts. We are so appreciative to everyone who came and celebrated with us.

Here I am with the amazing hostesses: Jen, Christa, Desiree, Sarah, and Jami.
Here is Steve with sweet little Crosby. He looks like a natural, huh?
Belly Shot-35 Weeks
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
1-Year Anniversary
Friday, January 18, 2008
He is going to be a big one!
Steve and I had our 32 week visit yesterday and everything is progressing wonderfully. My belly is measuring at 34 weeks so my doctor is predicting that Parker will be a big boy or that I may go earlier than my scheduled c section date. At 36 weeks we will get another sonogram to get a more accurate idea of Parker's true size. From there, we may have to make some contingency plans if I go into labor early. The good news is that we are almost out of the "danger zone". The doctor said if Parker made it to 34 weeks than the coast should be pretty clear. Most babies born this early have minor problems. We also got our appointment schedule all the way through post-op which illustrates just how close we are to the big day. I cant wait! I am getting some maternity pictures taken next week despite feeling large and unattractive and I may or may not share them on the blog. We will see. Hope all is well with everyone and until next time...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Parker's Room
Here are a few pictures of our work in progress......
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